Swiss pension fund recovery in the 3rd quarter

The Swiss pension fund index of Credit Suisse is based on the actual investment behaviour of over 100 pension funds; starting from 100 in the year 2000, the index recovered 2.48 points or 2.04% in the 3rd quarter to attain 124.05 points at the end of September.

The BVG/LPP minimum interest rates, which also started at 100 points at the beginning of 2000, climbed 0.67 points or 0.5% to reach 136.04 over the same period.

The Swiss pension fund index showed an annualised return of 2.03% at the end of the 3rd quarter. By comparison, the annualised BVG/LPP minimum interest rate is 2.9%. To close the gap between Swiss pension fund performance and the BVG/LPP minimum interest rate by the end of 2010, the overall index would have to rise by 12%.